**Follow me on my journey- as I cook my way through David Rocco's new cook book; Dolce Vita!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Marcellino Pane e Vino

Today as I inhaled the delicious aroma of fresh baked bread- at the local Italian bakery- I found myself singing, "Ricordare Marcellino: solo pane, solo vino..." There was an old TV series about poor Marcellino who lived in the Convent and only ate bread and drank wine. You will always find bread and wine in an Italian persons' home.
With a fresh loaf of bread, I made the Pane,Burro e Zucchero recipe. It was soft and crunchy and the taste was salty sweet. I never tried this before and it was really good.
Then with the left over I made Fettunta which is a favorite of mine. I always eat this when I go to my parent's place for some reason.


  1. YUMMY. Randy made two banquettes today. One for me and one for him.
    Then he made a great Indian curry meal.
    Looks good Sandy.
    BTW, you should rent "how did you know". It really was a great movie, just different, and I like different. I think you'd like it.

  2. My mouth is watering, I could just eat that for breakfast now xx
